Sunday, August 15, 2010

A weekend of firsts

Thought we'd take a moment to update you all on what Henry's been up to lately.

Since there isn't much time left this summer, we thought it'd be fun to take Hank out to Remlinger Farms - a "u-pick the fruit" kind of place with rides and stuff for kids - so he could experience a plethora of unique things.

While we were there, Henry rode his first pony (which he wasn't sure what to make of...he was more excited when we realized there was another pony behind him), rode his first train (a miniature steam engine) and rode on his first amusement park-ish ride (a pumpkin that spins around an axis and elevates as high as 10 feet off the ground). While he loved every minute of it, he was quite exhausted from all the stimulus.

We then headed back to the home-front, where we introduced him to a new sprinkler and some water balloons. He liked the balloons a lot but was rather timid with the sprinkler. Not quite a fan of getting wet yet, but we think some swimming lessons down the road may change that.

On the downside, he was so exhausted from the day that he didn't want to sleep. He cried for 3.5 hours...Shelly and I were beside ourselves and couldn't help but wonder if this little guy is going to be handful when he gets older.

We're excited to see what the next few weekends has in store...we're going to be trying to introduce him to knew stuff more frequently from now on. He's beginning to pick up quite a few words, and continues to demonstrate a curiosity that demands new explorations. If only he'd eat better...out of bologna, banana, jell-o, chicken nuggets, watermelon, crackers, cheese, and fruit mashup, he only wanted the nuggets and crackers (which he calls 'ookees'). He drank some of the mashup, but eventually started to spit it out and rub it on his belly.

All the best -

Dave, Shelly & Hank

Monday, July 12, 2010

Update on the King of the House

Well, the house of bellies is making a come back. Henry is now 15 months. He has been growing and changing daily. He now says "car", "this", "bus". He loves being outside running around and is usually on the go. One of his teachers recently said that his personality reminded her of a dictator because he stands on the chairs, talking and pointing at things. Dave and I are taking this as a compliment. He has 6 teeth and is cutting 6 more right now. He loves to read and will sit on your lap while you read him a story. Henry is learning to blow kisses, wave bye and hug.

Here is a little trip down memory lane to catch you up on what we (mostly Henry) has been up to. These photos cover August '09 to July '10. Enjoy!