Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Yes, I have a belly. Why else do you think I'd call the site "House of Bellies?" But did you know that I could push it out as far as this? Looks like we're expecting two, eh? I couldn't go around having my wife feel like she's the only round one now, could I?

Our kid is going to be a tank.


This will be my 2nd entry...and the first of many to come. We're quickly approaching "critical mass" now with less than 50 days to go 'till the big b-day. Shelly's belly continues to get bigger as "the thing" puts on something like 1/2 pound per week. My belly continues to get bigger as I eat more and more quarter pounders with cheese.

Baby is kicking more and more every day...but because the kicks/punches are "soft", I'm beginning to think it's going to be a little lady. Can't wait to find out for sure...Shelly and I are both really excited.

True to my habits, I haven't done a thing with the baby's room yet. No crib, no carseat, nothing. Ahhh...procrastination.